i QUIT :)

Assalamualaikum! Hey there, been missing my blog so long. Sorry a bit busy lately. I already quit my job guys haha yeah but you all mesti cam "eh kata busy tp dah benti apeni!" haha alaa sorry ar kita busy settle business kita pulak ar haha. Oh yeah reason why I quit from secret recipe is bcos I think I've had enough facing the supervisor yg selalu point aku mcm2 drpd aku bebakul dosa maki hamun dia dalam hati n ngamuk2 balik kerja kan so better quit right? Lagipon I think I should find new job and find new experience. Mmg kerja secret gaji agak masyuk laa but for what kita kerja tak happy right guys? But actually yg buat aku tak happy sekor supervisor dgn bini dia je yg lain tu okay je rock my world je time kerja haha.

Okay! Nak habaq ni tadi kita ada mentioned about settle business keeennn? Hehe okay actually business online kita ni last year dah running. This business are run by me and my sister. Kitorang jual tops, skirt, maxi, long dress and terbaru ni accessories. But skrg baru running balik online business ni sbb kitorang advertise dia more to instagram sbb kat situ marketing dia senang sikit. Waaa bia betul aku dah pandai cakap pasal marketing bah :O Ya iya bahh wuuu haha dah knp sleng sabah pulek aku ni haha sorry lalut jauh. But now, im still searching for a new job, tak kesah laa gaji berapa sebulan dapat 700 ke 800 pon jadila as long as aku happy :) Okay then, thats all I think for tonight entry. Love yaaa assalamualaikum stay cumil guys ;) xx